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Our Equipment

MITCHELL is well aware that quality workmanship demands modern equipment and we have and will continue to upgrade our production technology and processes.

Over the first half of this year we have made significant improvement to machine shop. We have installed new florescent lighting and repainted the inside of the shop white which improves visibility and lowers the energy cost.  We installed a garage door at the rear of the facility in order to accommodate the addition of new and larger machines.

With this addition we were able to purchase an Okuma LB 3000 and a Mazak V550. We fazed out some of our older equipment and rearranged the shop in order to improve the work flow. We also installed a new overhead crane to accommodate larger parts and lower the stress on our employees from having to lift the heavy material.

The facilities list (Found on the Facilities Page) reflects the progressive thinking of MITCHELL MACHINE SHOP. Every practical effort is made to provide MITCHELL craftsmen with the right equipment to do the job to the customers satisfaction.

We cordially invite you to visit with us to inspect our modern plant, and to learn firsthand how well MITCHELL can work for you.